Test results usage

Test results usage

The birth of "ProofTesto"

New diatary supplement "ProofTesto"

Dear first 1000 test-participants and thereby shareholders,

The whole idea behind this crowd-science project, is to find out which natural ingredients actually have an effect, and able to increase the natural production of Testosterone in our bodies. The results of the trials will be analysed carefully by our company, with the aim to find out which single natural ingredients have the best effect, and thereafter blending them into a new dietary supplement, we aim to name “ProofTesto”, and actually test it before we market it. The expectation is of course, that we will be able to use the results of the tests, to figure out how to make the perfect blend of ingredients, and thereafter we will manufacture this exact blend of most potent ingrediencies, and expectedly test it to proof its efficiency, and thereafter market it with a well documented effect, and thereby stand out compared to all other supplements manufacturers, who don't have documentation.